>This weekend Mark helped me lay the groundwork for this site hub which now has all the cool (working) bells and whistles. THANK YOU!
>That being said, things are still subject to change here as I get a feel for what sort of beast this page needs to grow into. If you have any suggestions, please let me know what would make your reading experience easier or more enjoyable.
>On a (undecided) day this week I will post the first ten pages of the comic. After, I will post one page a week on that same day.
>I’m excited… as you should be too… this will be fun for all of us.
Hajime Sorayama eat your heart out. You have a good sense of composition and pacing to your story, and a style that carries the reader along in a very entertaining way. I like it! Ed.
Hajime Sorayama eat your heart out. You have a good sense of composition and pacing to your story, and a style that carries the reader along in a very entertaining way. I like it! Ed.